Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Getting a Root Canal Procedure

It’s easy to come up with excuses for postponing a root canal procedure. Whether it’s due to the fear of possible discomfort or the concern for how long a root canal can take—or even for the time it might take to locate a root canal specialist—putting it off is not only delaying the inevitable, but may also be causing bigger problems.

The Problem Won’t Solve Itself

While it has certainly been attempted innumerable times, waiting for a toothache to disappear is simply not a viable option. Even if the pain does go away, it’s not time to cancel your dental appointment: while it is possible for inflammation to subside and nerves to heal, the more likely scenario is that pulp tissues and nerves inside the tooth are all dead.* Root canal system infections can and will continue to get worse without help.** Addressing it promptly increases the chances of preserving your natural tooth and alleviating the discomfort you’re experiencing sooner.

“I was eating solid food the very next day.” – GentleWave Patient

If You Think It Hurts Now…

Many of us associate dental work with causing pain, though dental practitioners are often the source of pain relief. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged tissues in the tooth, can be easily remedied when a root canal specialist removes the damaged tissue through root canal treatment.*** Delaying a root canal procedure can cause even more discomfort down the line as the infection is likely to spread. Leaving an infected root canal system untreated can result in an abscessed tooth, the pain of which can be incapacitating—and complications that can be serious, even life-threatening. Without treatment, the infection may spread beyond your jaw to your neck, head or other body parts.††

“I felt great after the GentleWave Procedure. In fact, I came back to work the next day.” – GentleWave Patient

Time is Money — Don’t Waste It with the Wrong Treatment

If you’re putting off getting your procedure because you’re concerned about how long a root canal can take, the complications of postponed treatment may increase the amount of care required—and subsequently the number of appointments needed—to complete your root canal procedure. If you have extremely infected teeth, you may need several visits just to control the infection.††† Filling the tooth and placing a crown, if needed, could require multiple appointments as well—some dentists like to wait a week before sealing the tooth and will place temporary filling in the tooth opening until a permanent filling and crown are placed.

The GentleWave Procedure — The Right Treatment

Alternative treatment options can reduce the number of appointments and the downtime for recovery. The GentleWave® Procedure uses Multisonic Ultracleaning® technology that reaches into microscopic spaces1,2 that standard root canal treatments frequently cannot,3 providing such efficient cleaning1 that the tooth can typically be cleaned and filled in just one session.4 And the GentleWave Procedure is minimally invasive1 which allows for faster healing,4 so you can spend less time in recovery and more time showing off your smile.

“I felt no side effects whatsoever.” – GentleWave Patient

Find a Root Canal Specialist Near You

If you’re interested in finding a root canal specialist who provides the GentleWave Procedure, don’t put it off! Use our Provider Locator to instantly locate a dentist or endodontist in your area.

* New Horizons Dental

**  OCDS

*** AAE

Mayo Clinic

†† WebMD

††† Dental Guide Australia


The GentleWave® Procedure is a medical procedure that is designed to prepare, clean and preserve the structure of teeth1,2,4 indicated for root canal therapy. Similar to other root canal treatment procedures, there is a potential risk of adverse effects. If you are considering the GentleWave Procedure, ask your clinician if you are a proper candidate. For additional information, visit https://gentlewave.com/safety-information.