66-year-old female presented with history of spontaneous, intermittent pain in the lower left quadrant for three days, progressing to acute pain. No hot, cold or biting pain. Clinical testing revealed teeth in LLQ were negative to percussion, biting and grinding. Tooth #18 tested negative to cold, and other teeth in quadrant tested within normal limits to cold. Diagnosis: #18 necrosis and normal periapex. Treatment plan: RCT #18. Accessed, working length established, SlimShaper® ZS1 and ZS2 in distal canal and one mesial canal. Other mesial canal would not permit rotaries due to angle, so employed #15 hand file to length. GentleWave® Procedure with ProControl™ completed. Obturated with TruNatomy® 20 GP and BC Sealer HiFlow™. BC Liner™ over orifices.
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