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The GentleWave® System at AAE23

May 3-6, 2023 · Booth #501

We look forward to meeting you in Chicago for AAE23! Join us to learn about our mission of Saving Teeth. Improving Lives. with the GentleWave System. 

You’ll have the opportunity to test-drive the new GentleWave G4 System, learn what’s new with CleanFlow, attend in-booth lectures presented by your peers and have discussions with our Clinical Experts.

Schedule a test-drive at AAE

GentleWave G4 System

We cordially invite you to join us at these special events

Dr. Scott Hetz

To The Point Lecture: The Evolution of Root Canal Therapy and the Impact of Technology

Wednesday, May 3
11:30am – 12:30pm CT
Speaker: Dr. Scott Hetz

Join Dr. Scott Hetz of Advanced Endodontics in Washington, DC as he explores the integration of GentleWave therapy into his group practice and the corresponding clinical and workflow impact. Dr. Hetz will review the efficacy of using enhanced irrigation to conserve dentin as he highlights a movement in endodontics towards non-instrumentation. The session will also review the evolution of GentleWave therapy in his practice over the past 5 years.


  • Explore the process of integrating GentleWave technology into your practice
  • Discuss the clinical and workflow impact attributed to the technology
  • Review recent advancements to the GentleWave technology and the additional impact associated with these advancements.
Kirk Coury, Logan Bell, Karen Potter

To The Point Lecture: Achieving Predictable Clinical and Practice Results with the GentleWave® System with CleanFlow Technology

Wednesday, May 3
2:00pm – 3:00pm CT
Panelists: Drs. Kirk Coury, Logan Bell & Karen Potter


  • Demonstrate best practices and techniques to effectively clean the most complex anatomies of the root canal system, including building platforms
  • Discover how the CleanFlow Procedure Instrument enables a simple workflow and helps create a better patient experience  
  • Discuss case selection and treatment planning considerations to achieve a predictable and efficient procedure
AAE Welcome Reception sponsored by GentleWave

AAE Welcome Reception sponsored by GentleWave

Wednesday, May 3
6:15 – 7:45 PM CT
Marriott Marquis Hotel, Great Lakes Ballroom (Level 2)

In-booth lectures: Don't miss out on the latest from your peers

Learn about the methods your peers are practicing, the technology they are using and the latest breakthroughs in endodontics with this series of timely lectures.

Thinking Small? Obturation of Minimally Prepared Canal Systems

Time: 9:45AM

Speaker: Dr. Michael Adams

Description: Dr. Adams, an avid GentleWave user and CleanFlow advocate, prefers to Think Small in the name of dentin preservation. In this presentation, Dr. Adams will discuss how he is able to successfully obturate minimally shaped canals and difficult anatomy after cleaning with the GentleWave System. He will provide 3 of his top filling techniques and the materials he uses to feel confident in his obturation.

Dr. Michael Adams
Creating an Impactful Patient Experience with GentleWave Therapy

Time: 12PM

Speaker: Dr. Tadros M. Tadros

Description: Join Dr. Tadros as he reviews best practices for creating a positive and impactful patient experience. This lecture will explore how marketing, practice setup, environment and technology all contribute to the overall experience for your patient. 

Dr. Tadros M. Tadros
The GentleWave System Overview – Latest Research and Data

Time: 2:45PM

Speaker: Dr. David Jaramillo 

Description: This presentation will provide a comprehensive review of previous and the latest clinical research on the GentleWave System. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the system's approach to cleaning and disinfecting root canals, as well as its demonstrated effectiveness in removing bacteria and tissue debris. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the evidence.

Dr. David Jaramillo 
Total Office Efficiency with TDO® Software and the GentleWave® System

Time: 10AM

Speaker: Dr. Ryan Tigrett

Description: Using his own personal experience as a guide, Dr. Ryan Tigrett of Modern Endo of Napa takes listeners through the key areas where inefficiencies are typically found in the endodontic practice. Through the lenses of the TDO practice pillars of efficiency, integration, clinical flow and admin flow, Dr. Tigrett will present his views on how an office that uses both TDO Software and the GentleWave System create the ideal efficient practice.

Dr. Ryan Tigrett
New Tech, YES Please!

Time: 12PM

Speaker: Dr. Derek Peek

Description: Dr. Peek will discuss the clinical advantages of the GentleWave® Technology in achieving superior cleaning and disinfection. He will review what features and benefits of the G4 console which made him say ‘YES’ to the newer technology when compared to the G3 console. Lastly, he will share clinical cases from his practice that show accelerated healing. 

Dr. Derek Peek
How Technology Innovations Impact Clinical Practice: My Journey to G4

Time: 2:30PM

Speaker: Dr. Michael Ribera

Description: Join Dr. Ribera as he discusses his decision to integrate GentleWave® Therapy into his practice and the corresponding clinical outcomes. Dr. Ribera will also discuss the evolution of his practice and how technology innovations have impacted that evolution. 

Dr. Michael Ribera

Schedule a test-drive

Please use the form below to request a test-drive of the GentleWave G4 System at AAE.

What interests you most about GentleWave?*